Canadian Craft Beer!

Canada arguably has some of the best beers the industry has to offer. Yeah, call us biased, but is it biased if it is true? And by drinking craft beers from Canadian breweries, you are helping the industry grow and help bring in new opportunities for the economy nationwide.
Did you know?
The beer industry alone contributed more than $13.5 billion to Canada’s GDP and supported 149,000 Canadian jobs in 2018!
But we didn’t start up our beer game over the last couple of years. Craft beer especially has been prominent in Canada for decades.
Before the First World War, Canada had 117 independent breweries. Yet, by the early 80s only 10 were left standing with 3 of the largest companies—Labatt, Molson and Carling O’Keefe—owning 96% of the market.
Over time, beer drinkers tired of the popular-during-that-period light lagers which were often low in hops and contained a large amount of rice and corn, and sparked a movement that would gain momentum leading into today’s industry.
In 1984, Canada’s first official microbreweries opened in Vancouver and Waterloo. More than thirty years later, there were 520 breweries registered across the country.
Sadly, some of the independent microbreweries lost their indie status having been bought and operated under major companies, yet they have been able to increase their volume, bringing about a bigger diversity to the beer scene.
Did you know?
In 2018, 85% of beer consumed in Canada was brewed in Canada?
From the early days, Craft beer has since grown in popularity. Even those that have been sold to bigger companies are still considered “craft beer” even if some beer enthusiasts believe otherwise, creating a divide amongst beer drinkers. What it all comes down to is personal taste.
An independent craft brewery combines their ingredients together like an artist takes paint to a canvas. It may not be easy—some could say it’s a science. But it’s the passion that drives it forward, and at the end of the day, seeing your batch be enjoyed by thirsty patrons is all worth the effort.
Rival House proudly has an assortment of craft beer brews for everybody’s preference, from our refined-earthy Amber Lager, to our juicy Hazy IPA and our fruity Pale Ale!
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